giovedì 3 luglio 2014

Marie's room wip

Here I am, back from Graspop Metal Meeting. I am very happy about those last days for a bounch of reasons: I had good time with old friends, met new friends, listened too good music and had the chance to meet some of my favourite musiciants, so I can say I am quite satisfied.

But it's time to come back to work now, I spent the whole moring working on some sketches to train my hands and study some set for my project.

Here there is the first study of Marie's bedroom.

I will not ask Sara to ink it because it's just a study, but, as Sara suggested, I will give it a rough (digital) painting just to have an idea of what palette I will use on the final illustrations.

Anyway, here there is the pencil sketch of Marie's bedroom:

6 commenti:

  1. Il disegno é già splendido ,attendo il seguito .
    Ciao .

    1. Grazie Vincent! Ho avuto qualche problema con la prospettiva all'inizio, ma alla fine ho risolto :)
      Il seguito arriverà (spero) presto.

  2. la stanza è bellissima, ci vedo pure qualcosa di mio!

    1. ehehehehehe l'idea dei dirigibili che pendono dal soffitto mi è venuta facile: ho sempre invidiato i tuoi aerei!

  3. Paramore (a band) once came to my country and I was really tempted to go but I would have been this geeky older guy amongst loudly cheering teens so I didn't go. LOL ^_^ I also would have loved having blues-influenced bands such as ACDC and Led Zeppelin in their prime come over but they never did. ;)

    By they way, the sketch looks awesome. Love the zeppelin and train. :)

    1. Aww FourEyedMonster, in concerts and festivals there are plenty of "geeky old guys", they are definitely more than teens, I can assure you (and assure me too, since it's a while I'm not a teen any moore). Next time go to the show and enjoy!! I would have loved to see Led Zeppelin too, but we have to content. :)



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