giovedì 9 luglio 2015

Too cool for school

It's being a very very hot summer so far in Italy, so it's hard to sleep at night with cicadas singing and temperature at  30°C. So, last night I made some scketches, one of those has become an illustration in the last few hours.
So here there is:

8 commenti:

  1. It's always hot where I'm at. I wish we had some mild winters so that I can experience snow. :) I too just finished a drawing recently, do let me know what you think of it. As for your drawing, good job on foreshortening. That is something I dare not attempt yet in my early stages of figure drawing.

    1. Your last artwork is superbe FEM: your portrait skills are improving day by day.

  2. Bellissimo mi piace molto questa moda cosplay .
    Cominci à avere una bella collezione .
    Ciao .

    1. ahahahaha sì, e non posso più prendermela con te perché dipingi solo signorine... devo rimediare un po' anche io :D

  3. A very beautiful young woman, congratulations on your fine art :D



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