mercoledì 28 gennaio 2015

Mission Angoulême

Hi everyone and sorry for not being so active on blogspot lately.
Tomorrow I'll leave to the Festival international de la bande dessinée in Angoulême where Sara and I will be chasing a publisher for our projects so, please, wish us well.
I'll be back next week with some other artworks.
In the meanwhile have some nice days! ;)

lunedì 19 gennaio 2015

New Year, New Project part 3: the supernatural beings

And here there are the last character for this project.
I wish I could tell you something about it very soon, but at the moment we are still working on it, so things are changing fast.
Anyway I hope you enjoy :)

martedì 6 gennaio 2015

A new project for a new year

Always busy here at Fedzeppelin's place, Sara and I are currently working on a new projet to be showed at the next Festival de la Bande-Dessinnée d'Angoulême hoping we will find a publisher.
At the moment I can't reveal a lot since the project subject is still top-secret, but I can show you at least the characters, so you can tell us if you like'em.
Here we go with the 4 main characters, they will be room-mates in a shared flat somewhere.


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