giovedì 30 ottobre 2014

Happy Halloween

A day in advance, but I'm not totally sure I'll have time for the blog tomorrow a very quick sketch to wish you all a happy Halloween.

domenica 19 ottobre 2014

The latest characters

And we are almost at the end of the line: our dossier is almost ready now, we just need a couple of last things and a good review of the French version of our script and our plot and we'll be ready to run ;)

So, while we are working on the latest details, here there are the character design studies of the left characters. You've seen one of them in pages 1 and 2, the others will not appear in the dossier's finished pages, but they will be drawed in the pencil-version pages we will put in the dossier, so I don't know if we will share them in this blog. Anyway they are still to draw so it's an untimely question at the moment.

Now, here we go, Mesdames et Messieurs please welcome...

Herr Schmidt

You have maybe seen him in pages 1 and 2 even if that was a younger and two eyed version (the first pages of our work are a flash-back).
He is the kick-side of our evil, despicable Herr Moser. Schmidt is not a smart guy but he's totally dangerous all the same.
A little trivia: at first we wanted to make him look like a dear friend of us (as we did with Moser), but we did a couple of preparatory works and decided for something more Zorro's fatty Sergeant Garcia alike and we found a pretty good inspiration in Pollaponk's "No prejudice" music video.


Andreas Hinz is the key of all our story: he is the old and slightly mad jail-cell mate of Julien. He is a good guy with a sad story (and a pure steampunk robotic arm) and he is the one whose secrets would put Julien in deep troubles.

Mr K.

No, ok, this is NOT the real name of this character, it's just the way Sara and I call him in our conversations since he his still a character with no name. That is because he was totally unforseen.
There is a funny story behind this character, but, to tell that short, we needed a character for a walk on role and we had a pretty exact idea of how he should look like. So I tryed to make a preparatory work but I wasn't in the mood for drawing feet (that's a part I always hate draw) so I decided to give him a robotic leg. At the end of the day this robotic-legged version looked so cool that our Mr K deserved to become one of our main characters. We worked again on our script and here there is, the only thing he needs now is a proper name. But, no need to tell, he is my favourite character so far ;)

Beautiful ink art is by Madame Sara Cappoli as always.

mercoledì 15 ottobre 2014

Page 2

And here there is the last page I and Sara worked on.
That should be page 2, so it comes close after this one.

Hope you enjoy :)


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