lunedì 17 marzo 2014

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Today it's St.Patrick's Day (or Lá Fhéile Pádraig if you're good in Irish gaelic), that is a very important holyday for Irish people and celebrates the death of St. Patrick: the patron saint of Ireland.
Lots of celebrations are set today in Ireland and in Irish communities abroad.
The most common ways to celebrate are to dress in green (or wear something green anyway), to wear green ribbons and shamrocks and to drink a lot of beer, just like an Irish  because everyone is Irish on March 17th .

On this blog too, we party for St. Patrick, I can't offer you a pint of beer, so I tried to manage to offer you the tipical view you can have when you lay down on the grass and look at the wonderful Irish sky.

This picture is my first attempt of a completely digital illustration:

8 commenti:

  1. bellissimo!
    le nuvole sembrano vere.

    1. grazie, in realtà è tutto merito del pennello "nuvole" di photoshop, ma non diciamolo troppo in giro ;)

  2. L'effetto é molto realista bellissimo . Che cosa usi come programma per il disegno ?
    Comincio a farmi troppo vecchio ma , avrei amato imparare questa tecnica .
    Complimenti .

    1. Grazie Capitano! :)
      di solito disegno a mano libera con i classici carta, matita e inchiostro, e "dipingo" il disegno con Adobe photoshop.
      In questo caso, dato che avevo poco tempo, ho "disegnato" direttamente con photoshop che, in questo caso significa, che ho usato il pennello a forma di foglia per gli alberi e il pennello a forma di nuvola per il cielo ;)

  3. Risposte
    1. thaks a lot! :)
      Stay tuned, Morikun, the next one is for you! ;)

  4. That is a gorgeous digital painting. I feel like I am lying down looking up on a sunny day and just feeling good ... with some blues rock music in the background of course. ^_^

    1. That's exactly how I hope you wuold feel looking at this picture! :)
      Thanks a lot!!



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